
Pt Omron Manufacturing Indonesia Expands its Production Facilities

12 August 2015 | Author : Manufakturindo
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PT Omron Manufacturing Indonesia (OMI), located in EJIP Industrial Park, Bekasi, is now had the idea to expand production facilities this year. The expansion aims to increase the amount of production in the electronic components and automotive products.

Quoted from Halojepang "The construction of the two facilities are expected to increase production capacity up to 325 million components OMIn in 2020". If calculated, it is more than doubled, if compared with the previous production which was only about 191 million components every year.

Omron is a Japanese factory which was established since 1933. The company has a significant role in production electronic components and automotive components industry in many sector. As a leading manufacture company in Indonesia, OMI is expected to continue on growing with the new facilities that will start to build this year.

The plan of construct two new facilities will be created in an area of ​​200,000 square meters and is expected to be completed in the year 2017.


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